Thursday, April 25, 2013

WOD: Writing

So, yeah. I've been really bad about writing. Blah, blah, work, blah, blah, kids, blah, blah, can't even get to the gym regularly.

There. You happy?

Seriously, my life since January has been nonstop Murphy's Law. The family got hit with the flu right after New Year's (and it was nasty!). Finally recovered from that and was getting back into the swing of things and early-February, the kid's sitter takes a new full-time job and I have to find a new sitter. Then at the end of February, personnel changes at the office mean I have to work 7 days per week, a least 10 hours per day. I think I may have gotten 4 days off in total during March. Things have finally started to slow down at the office, and the husband goes out of town on an assignment.

*Sigh* It's always something.

But, I did manage 3 out of 4 races so far. Jungle Cup Carolinas was cancelled, so my race season did not start until Carolinas Spartan Sprint. And what a start that was! Recap (obviously late) to come. Successfully completed Tough Mudder Georgia, and then I did Rugged Maniac North Carolina all by my lonesome (the change in hubby's schedule meant we couldn't make the trip to Richmond - Rugged Maniac was awesome enough to transfer my registration!). And now I have the USMC Mud Run  in Columbia tomorrow.

So, enough catch up...time for some recaps!

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