Sunday, July 21, 2013

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

So, after two years, it was time to get a new pair of running shoes. I think the fact that my current pair had absolutely no tread, whatsoever, kind of gave it away. I love my road running shoes - Puma H-Street Women's Plus. So, imagine my horror when I went to order a new pair from Zappo's and found there were none to be had. I checked Amazon - zilch. It began to dawn on me: My shoes had been discontinued.

Frantic, I quickly did a Bing search and was able to locate several stores that still had pairs. Unfortunately, I found that store after store no longer had the prize Pumas in my size. Finally, I was able to locate a store with several pairs in stock in my size.

Just one problem: the only color they had

I detest pink.

Decision time. Get my beloved shoes in hated pink or switch to a different shoe.

Practicality won out in the end. And I am now the owner of not just one, but two pairs of pink Puma H-Street Women's Plus shoes.

I don't know what I'll do when I wear out the last pair.

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